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What does a session involve? 


Each session involves the opportunity to share your story and work on your issues in a safe and non-judgmental space. Hypnotherapy enables you to develop your goals and we work together to develop useful strategies using both your conscious and unconscious processing.


We don’t consciously choose to be anxious, stressed or in pain etc, so hypnotherapy enables you to  access the part producing those states and make changes to the old patterns.


I look forward to empowering you to achieve your goals.



Making positive change


From birth we naturally create patterns to make sense of the world be they patterns of light (sight) patterns of sound (speech), or patterns of movement (walking etc). We also create patterns of thoughts, beliefs and behaviours, most of which are functional but some evolve into patterns that do not help us progress or can become harmful such as eating disorders, stress, anxiety, phobias etc. These patterns can become so entrenched we don't even know we are doing them and however hard we consciously try to change them we keep failing.


Hypnotherapy utilises our most fundamental human skills, creativity and imagination to help us access our own inner resources. Let me help you discover how powerful your unconscious mind is and make your desired changes stick.

About Me

Hi, I am Geordie Thompson and the owner/director of Hypnologic Solutions. My goal is to help you become your best self by working with you to reduce barriers, change un-useful patterns and beliefs and develop effective strategies.

My background is from a history of people who helped others starting with my grandmother who’s daily chats with people over a cup of tea helped many through significant challenges in their lives. My mother was a nurse and her compassionate way of helping others is still one of my key inspirations. My immediate family now includes three physiotherapists who through their skills and knowledge help many people achieve positive change daily. So, it is easy to understand how I felt drawn to the therapy profession.

My attraction to Hypnotherapy started many years ago but in a formal sense began in 2005 when I studied Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). The benefits of this were quickly realised in my own life and I followed up with the Master Practitioners course in 2007. In 2016 I studied Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and continue with ongoing training each year which is a requirement of our profession.

Send me a message

Thank you for your enquiry. I will contact you as soon as I can to answer your questions.​ Kind regards,​Geordie Thompson

Qualifications & Affiliations

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